Annapurna Thorong La Pass Complete Guide

  • Rubina Karki
  • Last Updated on Sep 16, 2024

Trekking to the Annapurna Thorong La pass is indeed a brave decision as this one is the highest and deadliest pass in the world. The majestic mountain pass connects two districts, Manang and Ranipawa. It is also popular among local tourists because it connects with the Muktinath temple of Nepal holds great religious values and the faiths of thousands of devotees worldwide. As Annapurna climbing is one of the deadliest peaks in Nepal and Thorong La Pass is also a part of this, you need to have strong planning for this trip. Make your safety and well-being the priority and try to finish the journey at your own pace. And most importantly enjoy your trip without any regrets and stress. You just need some expert tips for surviving the Thorong La pass and you are good to go! 

Table of Contents

If you are planning to go on the Thorong La Pass trek then you must be very well prepared because the trial offers you the most challenging terrain, steeper elevation, and high altitude areas. But all this hard trek and difficulties become worth it once you reach your destination. Surviving this Annapurna Thorong la pass might seem pretty exhausting at the beginning but once you immerse yourself in the journey, you will remember the trip for the rest of your life. But of course, a successful adventure demands proper planning and execution.

Best Time to Trek Thorong La Pass

Selecting the best time for a trek might seem like a non-considerable part, but that is not true. It is the pre-planning that helps determine the success rate of your hike. The best time to trek Thorong La is in the summer, autumn, and spring seasons, just like in every other trek. During these seasons, the weather remains calm, with very few or no climate threats. This makes it easier for travelers to get a proper view of Thorong La Pass and the Annapurna circuit area. 

The monsoon period is highly not advisable for high mountain treks, including this one, because the climate is unpredictable and the risks of natural disasters are high. You might also consider a winter-season trek for that fairytale scene of snowy mountains, but the risk of snow storms cannot be ignored. So to sum it up, the best Thorong La Pass season is from March to May and from September to November in trekking-friendly environments.

Essential Gear and Packing List

Having the appropriate trekking essentials is mandatory for a safe and enjoyable climb up to Thorong La Pass. As a part of the Annapurna Circuit trek guide, Here is a list of what you must have:

Warm Clothes: Layering your clothes will help you adapt to changing temperatures. The essential items on the Thorong La gear list are a down jacket, thermal base layers, and a waterproof jacket and pants.

Footwear: For negotiating rocky and uneven terrain, sturdy trekking boots with adequate ankle support are essential. Wearing gaiters and warm, moisture-wicking socks is a good idea.

Headwear: All you need are UV-protected sunglasses, a sun hat to shield you from strong UV rays at high elevations, and a woolen hat to keep your head warm in freezing conditions.

Trekking Poles: When traversing rocky trails or snow-covered sections of the Thorong La Pass trip, trekking poles offer stability on uneven and steep terrain. So, have one.

Sleeping bag:  A sleeping bag certified for -10°C or below during chilly nights at high altitudes is necessary. Even in the frigid circumstances experienced at higher campsites throughout the walk, it guarantees a warm and comfortable night's sleep.

Headlight: For late arrivals at camp or early morning starts, a headlamp with additional batteries is a must.

Acclimatization and Altitude Sickness

So, how high is Thorong La Pass? Being the highest mountain pass in Nepal and the world, it has its head in the clouds at an elevation of 5,416 meters (17,769 feet). Beautifully residing in the Damador Himal range, 55 kilometers away to the northwest from the Annapurna Base Camp. Proper acclimatization according to your comfort and health needs is very essential for this trek because Annapurna climbing is considered one of the deadliest peak climbings in Nepal. 

For the 2024 trekking season, carrying Diamox, taking regular breaks, and monitoring oxygen levels are recommended for altitude sickness prevention. Consulting with local guides for up-to-date trail and health information is also key for a safe journey.

And one additional piece of advice: Since the route is difficult and you won't have enough time to adjust to the altitude, it is advised not to begin your Thorong La pass hike from Muktinath.

Physical Preparation and Fitness

Before going on any trip, especially a hike or trek, you must have proper physical and mental fitness. In high-elevation areas, your physical fitness becomes the key as you have to deal with various paths and altitudes.  As endurance building is vital for any hike, you might add some cardio to your regular workout routine a few weeks before the trip. This includes swimming, cycling, or just running. Along with that, you can walk on steep paths with a load to train your body for ascents and descents. But remember you can not achieve everything in a day. Consider gradually increasing your workout intensity for better results. If you do this, then your fitness will be at its peak for the Thorong La Pass trek, and your workouts will keep your mind healthy as well.

Navigation and Route Information

Search for the routes and trials of the Thorong La Pass trek before the journey to get a thorough idea of where and how to start. The Thorong La Navigation starts in Besisahar and travels through popular destinations like Manag. As a part of the Annapurna Circuit Trek trial, the route follows the same circuit path up to 5416 meters. The track is usually well-marked, and your guide has the map, but for effective safety, keep an Annapurna Circuit map and a GPS unit with you. Talking about the guide, the locals of the region have more knowledge and ideas about the place, so consider hiring them. And if you are planning to trek the world’s highest pass without a guide, it is a terrible idea!

Survival Tips for Harsh Conditions

The Annapurna Thorong La Pass Trek requires precise planning and fast thinking to survive the challenging conditions as it involves high-altitude trekking challenges. Here are some useful Thorong La survival tips for you:

  • To combat temperature swings, dress in layers and always have a waterproof jacket on hand. 
  • Drink plenty of water to stave off altitude sickness, and fuel up on foods high in energy to sustain yourself.
  • When trekking in snow, use crampons or microspikes for better traction on icy surfaces.
  • Identify the early warning signs of frostbite or hypothermia and seek out warmth and shelter right away. 
  • A first aid kit, an emergency blanket, and a trustworthy headlamp are necessities.
  • To prevent getting lost, always stay on designated trails, and be ready to head back if the weather gets bad.
  •  Put your safety first above all else. 

Local Culture and Etiquette

While you are on a trip, you do not just get to see the natural beauties but also the local and cultural views of the place. A traveler needs to honor local customs and culture. On this Thorong La Pass trek, you will be able to meet various ethnic groups in Nepal, like Gurung, Magar, and Tibetan. All of them have diversified traditions and customs reflecting Annapurna's local culture. Most of them residing in the Annapurna Base Camp trekking area have a whole different perspective on life.  

Some simple gestures of showing respect to them include dressing modestly and removing your shoes before entering homes or monasteries, asking permission before taking a picture of someone with simple nods and handshakes, and treating everyone with kindness. Try to have a talk with the locals about that wonderful experience. Remember, language is not a barrier when the topic is kindness and humanity. Additionally, you can also give donations to the monasteries to help the needy, as per your understanding. Following this trekking etiquette not only demonstrates decency but also sharpens your personality and makes you look more approachable.

Accommodation and Food Options

On the Annapurna Circuit, including the Thorong La Pass, you'll find a range of accommodations and the best Nepali food choices to suit different needs. You might also find some international dishes in lower city areas.


Teahouses: The most prevalent Thorong La accommodation is Teahouses which offer simple rooms and shared restrooms. As you get upward, they get more basic and less comfy. Trust me when I say Annapurna Circuit teahouses are the best.

Guesthouses: Found in larger communities, these offer additional amenities and private rooms, although their costs are typically higher.

Camping: If you're looking for a more daring choice, you can camp in approved areas with the right supplies and preparation.

The food on the trek includes:

Traditional Food: Dal Bhat (rice with lentil soup), momo (dumplings), and noodle soups are common teahouse offerings that are perfect for high-altitude nutrition.

International Foods: To satisfy a range of palates, popular locations also provide international fare including fried rice, pasta, and pancakes. These are only available at starting locations and not in higher rural areas. 

Safety Precautions and Emergency Contacts

Your safety is the priority because you can always come back for the trip rather than risking your life for one. The first and smartest precaution is to travel in a group, as the idea of solo trekking is not very fruitful. Secondly, take a rest frequently and gradually acclimate without any hurry or competition with others. Finish this journey at your own pace. If your health condition gets worse or any uncertainty arrives, have the courage and backup plan to descend back.

Emergency items like a full first aid kit, an emergency blanket, and some high-energy snacks should not be missing from your backpack. Further, make sure you have a satellite phone or a working cell phone with all trekking emergency contacts on it so you can communicate remotely. Notify the local authorities or your trekking agency of your plans and register your trek with them. In case of an emergency, do not hesitate to contact your trekking agency or the nearby rescue squads. Thorong La's safety can be maximized with these factors taken into account. For a hiking experience to be safe, awareness and planning are essential.

Also, consider checking about the Annapurna Circuit trek difficulties before planning any trip to that area including this Thorong La pass trek.

Personal Stories and Testimonials

Here are a few Annapurna trek stories and  Thorong La testimonials from trekkers on the Annapurna Circuit:

Sam's Magical View experience: "It was an amazing experience to be standing atop Thorong La Pass at first light. A mystical glow was cast on the snow-capped summits when the first light touched them. Even though we were experiencing the effects of altitude sickness, the vista and sense of accomplishment made every difficult step worth it."

Aisha's Local Immersion: "My favorite parts of the trip were the teahouse stays. I cannot express how much the real warmth of the villagers enhanced my trip. We had dinner with a family one evening, and learning about their customs and way of life made me appreciate the journey even more."

Liam's Personal Growth: "The hike, particularly at high altitudes, was a true test of endurance. There were difficult times when I felt overpowered, but the support of my fellow hikers and the guides kept me going. Arriving at Thorong La served as a potent reminder of our tenacity and inner strength."

Environmental Responsibility

When visiting Thorong La Pass and the Annapurna Circuit, environmental responsibility is essential. Make sure no trash is left behind and dispose of all garbage, including organic items, by the ‘Leave No Trace’ philosophy. This promotes the development of a sustainable trekking habit. To protect native plants and wildlife, stick to designated routes. To save water sources, choose environmentally friendly goods like biodegradable soaps. Select lodgings that place a high value on environmental responsibility and sustainability. Honor the native fauna and refrain from interfering with their natural environments. Trekkers guarantee that the Annapurna Circuit environment is preserved and unspoiled for future travelers by adhering to these guidelines.

Rubina Karki

Rubina Karki

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