Glacial Flood Devastates Thame Village in Everest: Is Trek to EBC Safe?

  • Rubina Karki
  • Last Updated on Sep 4, 2024

On August 16, 2024, mudslides and debris from the higher elevation area swamped Thame, a Sherpa settlement in Nepal's Everest region. The incident happened in Ward 5 of the Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality in the Solukhumbu region early in the afternoon, at about 1:20 PM.

Although Thame is a small mountain village with fewer people residing, the loss was huge for them. Half of the settlement was left homeless as at least 20 homes, a clinic, a school, and many hotels had been wiped out by the flood. Additionally, It became difficult to contact the local police and dispatch a rescue squad because the area's electricity and network were down.

Fortunately, no confirmed deaths from the flood have occurred. However, the authorities have reported one of the locals missing.

After an aerial inspection from the related authorities and the Nepal Government, they confirmed that the flood's main cause was the outburst of a glacial lake above the village. Many villagers and animals were rescued by the local security personnel but Nepal's present stormy and rainy weather made the situation even worse.

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Where is Thame Village in Everest?

Thame is a sublimely gorgeous village nestled in Lord Everest’s hand at 3,800 meters in the Koshi province of Nepal. It is a small mountainous village you can get to by ascending for 2 hours from Namche Bazar.

The hamlet has historical importance as the native place of Tenzing Norgay, who with Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to successfully scale Mount Everest in 1953. In addition, it is also echoed as the place of origin of other Nepali mountain climbing professionals such as Kami Rita Sherpa, Apa Sherpa, and others.

Furthermore, Thame has religious importance to its residents who visit the 17th-century Bhutanese monastery known as Chökhor-Thang. The local sherpas perform mask dances and ceremonial procedures to observe the annual Mani Rimdu Festival, which is their great religious holy day. Tourists regard Thame as a great place for trekkers with great views of mountains such as Kongde Ri and Thamserku. This Himalayan village is one of the high-land choices of heritage and cultural sites besides the alpine trekking and religious tour destinations in Nepal.

What is happening in Thame Village now?

Thame Village is at the moment experiencing the impacts of the recent glacial flood that occurred a few days ago. In response to the help appeal from the village authorities, the government sent a helicopter the next day to look for the source of the flood and identified the cause as a glacier lake outburst. Fortunately, the authorities have stated that the condition is now stable with no further risks anticipated from the glacial source.

Continual attempts are being made by the Nepal government to ensure that the displaced villagers receive some form of compensation and rescue shelters. Live videos captured by locals during the incident quickly spread across social media, drawing widespread attention to the disaster. Notably, many villagers recall a similar flood that struck Thame approximately 30 years ago, marking this event as a repeat in the village’s history.

Who lives in Thame Village?

Thame Village is the residence of the Sherpa people with a total population of around 400. However, most of their settlements have been swept away to the neighboring village by the recent flood. The village has a well-established connection with the mountaineering profession where most of the Sherpas are employed as Everest expedition leader  or guides to trekkers and climbers of the Himalayas.

Apart from mountaineering, people in the area are involved in other activities including operating privately owned tourist hotels. The traditional profession of potato farming and yak rearing also exists widely here. This mix of events highlights the village's distinctive way of balancing customs with tourism requirements. The Sherpa community in Thame has adapted to new economic prospects while preserving a strong cultural legacy.

What caused the flood?

The main reason for the recent flood in Thame is confirmed to be an outflow of Thyanbo Glacial, one of the few glaciers situated in the upper area of the village. This reason was also agreed upon and verified by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (Icimod). These lakes have been dynamic in terms of size which can easily be discerned from satellite images taken as early as 2017. The overflow water mixed with the Koshi River as well but after that, the destructiveness increased. The main source of this GLOF is global warming which leads to an increase in the rate of the melting of snow and glaciers. If global warming goes on like this, such catastrophes may recur, not only in Nepal but in all countries, particularly those with mountains.

So next time you visit a high mountain area, make sure to keep the surrounding waste-free to reduce the environmental impact and mitigate the effects of global warming.

Is the Everest Base Camp trekking trail safe?

The trekking area of the Everest Base Camp (EBC) is filled with historical significance as hikers from all over the world have been trodding the same path for decades. This legendary trail begins from Phakding a tiny hamlet that is nestled at the bank of Dudh Koshi River.

After the recent Thame flood incident, visitors might be concerned about the safety of the Everest Base Camp trekking trail as the beginning point of this trek is associated with the flooded region. But you will be happy to hear that the event does not in any way affect the trekking trail.

Some of the effects of the flood which can be seen are small erosions that may be observed along some parts of the trail near the riverbank, but these do not alter the general safety and usability of the trail greatly. This means trekkers can go on ascending to EBC, with full assurance that the route to be taken is safe and sound.

Is the Gokyo Lakes Trail Safe?

The Gokyo Lakes is one of the best trekking trails in Nepal that is not as crowded as Everest Base Camp but has the same attractions. The areas on the Gokyo Lakes Trail have not been fully closed to trekkers despite some physical hazards such as the recent glacier lake outburst flood in Thame.

As for the trail itself, it is in quite good condition, and even such things as floods do not have a substantial impact and do not influence the stability of the trail. A trekker is always encouraged to stick to standard safety measures, get acclimatized, and move when it’s safe or in a recommended period.

Can we visit Thame Village during our EBC trek?

It is possible to explore Thame Village during your journey to Everest Base Camp (EBC), but timing is important. Because of possible after-effects and difficult conditions, it is advisable to avoid going just after the monsoon season. It is better to go in October when conditions are better and the weather is generally more consistent.

Thame offers a great chance to get acclimated, as you may explore the hamlet. During the time you can also learn about recent unfortunate happenings there, and listen to interesting tales from the locals. If you're interested, you can also help people who have been impacted by the recent flooding. To handle any unforeseen difficulties, it's crucial to go into your tour prepared with a well-thought-out safety plan and backup plans.

Should we change our itinerary for the Everest Three Pass trek?

Since conditions are under control right now, you don't necessarily need to change your route for the Everest Three Pass climb. That being said, there are a few choices if you would rather change your itinerary. One option is to walk an additional hour or so to avoid Phakding and go straight to Namche Bazaar via a different trail. As an alternative, you may think of beginning your journey from Lukla, which can make your itinerary simpler. If there are logistical issues, it may be more sensible for smaller hiking parties to skip Thame Village. Bigger parties must carefully consider their route modifications to guarantee safe and effective travel. To ensure both the safety and the efficacy of the adjusted plan, it is imperative that you thoroughly discuss any schedule changes with your guide or travel agency.

The recent glacier flood in Thame Village has brought to light the region's ever-changing and occasionally unforeseen features. The treks to Gokyo Lakes and Everest Base Camp are still safe and incredibly rewarding, nevertheless, if you prepare beforehand. Breeze Adventure offers a safe and remarkable trekking experience and is available to lead you through these breathtaking landscapes. In addition to guaranteeing an incredible experience, our knowledgeable guides and specially designed itineraries present chances to positively impact local communities.

Rubina Karki

Rubina Karki

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